

Dr. Gautam Das

Office: CB 4027

Phone: 346 7810

Office hours:


Monday: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (CB4027)

Wednesday: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Please send me an email)





        Optical Fiber Communications by Gerd Keiser (4th Edition), McGraw Hill.



Reference Text


         Optical Fiber Communications by John M. Senior, Printice Hall, 2nd edition.






         Chapter 1: Overview of optical fiber communications (Two lectures)

         Chapter 2: Optical fibers (Three lectures)

         Chapter 3: Signal degradation in optical fibers (Two lectures)

         Chapter 4: Optical sources (Three lectures)

         Chapter 5: Power launching and coupling (Three lectures)

         Chapter 6 and 7: Detectors and receiver (Three lectures)

         Chapter 8 and 9: Transmission system (Two lectures)

         Chapter 10 to 12: Wavelength division multiplexing and optical networks (Six lectures)





         Fiber coupler

         Fiber amplifier

         Fiber Bragg grating

         Fiber lasers

         Fiber sensors

         Topic of your interest related to fiber optics

            Project references: Books, Journals etc.





         Assignments: 10% (Approximately 8-10 assignments)

         Laboratory work: 10% (Laboratory work is an integral part of this course)

         Midterm exam: 25% (13th February, 2013)

         Project (presentation): 10% (27th March 2013)

         Final Exam: 45%